Cosmos above and depths within

ANALØGICA sunglasses draw inspiration from the cosmos above and the depths within, radiating an elegant and modern aesthetic with a subtle sophistication.

Back to the core essentials

In a landscape saturated with digital diversions that lead us away from our primal origins, ANALØGICA is dedicated to guiding us back to the core essentials.

Travel companions

Our aim is for our starglasses to become your steadfast travel companions, reigniting your adventurous spirit, and prompting contemplation of transcendental questions.


ANALØGICA embraces the spirit of living to the fullest and in all its splendor. Our cosmic inspiration represents the infinite opportunities that life offers us, the reflection on our own existence and the exploration of both the outer and innermost worlds, as we appreciate and cultivate introspection as a source of knowledge. Our sunglasses are designed for those who delight in music and art, seek new experiences, have an interest in science and wish to contemplate life from a unique perspective that embodies the essence of the Renaissance man in a contemporary context, where we do not sacrifice the most exuberant hedonism, but pursue a balance between the Apollonian and the Dionysian.

We hold the conviction that companies should transcend their basic functions and possess a deeper essence. This goes beyond producing excellent products and engaging consumers; it requires a steadfast commitment to core values and consistent actions. It also involves actively contributing to the community and society as a whole. Our mission is to infuse every aspect of our company with purpose and integrity. We are committed to enhancing people's lives by making them both enjoyable and efficient. We aspire to a future where technological advancements and sustainable practices are perfectly aligned, creating a better world for everyone.